Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to remove SharePoint 2010 feature

when you developing custom solution on SharePoint 2010, you might get error with custom feature which you develop may be  not have control with central admin then you can use SharePoint Power shell command to remove (uninstall) SharePoint Feature.

To remove SharePoint feature.

Before remove, you should know feature GUID (ID). To get feature id  run the below command on SharePoint PowerShell window.


      Copy the id of the feature

Run the below command to remove feature from SharePoint 2010

Uninstall-SPFeature -Identity "0808a7d5-aeab-s-409d-a975-c882351a507b"

Press "Y" to continue process.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS  LOGON'

When you create Business Data Connectivity Services with SQL Server using SharePoint Designer, above error will come because of , External System not getting proper identity to connect. To resolve the problems relating BCS authentication consider below steps

How to change BCS Authentication Mode.

1.       Change the Authentication mode to BCS Identity

2.       If you get error, please update the BCS  “RevertToSelfAllowed”  to true using below Powershell command.

To list down SPservices Ids and then copy Business connectivity id

To get Business connectivity service

$bcs = Get-SPServiceApplication  -ID  ”<<Id>>”
$bcs. RevertToSelfAllowed  = $true

Note: after update  you might need  reset IIS

3.       Although you update BCS credential  , it might show error message on the page like below

In my scenario ,I  saw below errors log the  in Event Viewer

To resolve the problem,

1.       Verify your site App pool account have sufficient credential in DB
2.       In SQL server , “User Mapping” data base for App pool account

3.       Verify relevant user “Schemas “ and  “Data base Role Membership”